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MagnetOs Clinical Whitepaper

Use of a Novel Biphasic Calcium Phosphate with Submicron Surface Topography as an Extender to Autograft in Posterolateral Spinal Fusion

Introduction: This whitepaper from the University of California, San Diego details the use of MagnetOs Putty used on-label as a bone graft extender in two challenging revision cases. Both subjects had predictable fusions and reduction in pain scores postoperatively.

Conclusion: This case series review demonstrates the efficacy of MagnetOs as an extender to autograft in a retrospective cohort of patients undergoing posterolateral fusion.

Disclaimer: Results from in vitro or in vivo laboratory testing may not be predictive of clinical experience in humans. Please refer to the Instructions for Use for a full list of indications, contraindications, precautions and warnings. For important safety and intended use information please visit MagnetOs is not cleared by the FDA or TGA as an osteoinductive bone graft.

